View Full Version : Hopefuls file in to Presidential Palace

05-18-2011, 04:30 PM
President Leonel Fernandez continued his series of meetings with the PLD presidential hopefuls at the Presidential Palace yesterday, meeting separately with Vice President Rafael Alburquerque, Radhames Segura, Franklin Almeyda and Francisco Dominguez Brito to discuss the internal election process. It is expected that the President will meet with the possible candidate Jose Tomas Perez today. Last Sunday, Fernandez also met with Danilo Medina, who, according to the polls, heads the PLD list of nomination hopefuls.

Each meeting went on for about half an hour and the aim, according to Segura, is for the PLD to come together massively in the election process so that in the end the process is "a festival of democracy". "President Fernandez wants to hear about their own situation from the lips of each one of the candidates and to try to ensure that the work done inside the party is carried out in as democratic an environment as possible", he said.

Recent polls show that the PLD would lose to former President Hipolito Mejia if the election were held now.

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