View Full Version : In-depth look into Dominican provinces

05-19-2011, 04:50 PM
The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) gave a preliminary report on human development levels in nine provinces of the southwest and northwest yesterday. The insights are intended to help planners and the authorities to focus investments in the areas of health, education and to reduce levels of political patronage in the use of government funds.

UNDP representative Valerie Julliand said the reports sought to launch discussions on the living conditions of Dominicans in the interior of the country. The first reports analyze life in the provinces of Elias Pina, San Juan, Dajabon, Azua, San Jose de Ocoa, Peravia, Montecristi and Valverde. It makes clear that the further people live from Greater Santo Domingo, the fewer opportunities they have.

The report showed major deficiencies in health, quality of education, physical and verbal violence in schools, deficit of classrooms, discrimination against women and lack of knowledge and fulfillment of laws, among other issues.

Yesterday, more than 400 people, mainly legislators, government officials, and representatives from civil society organizations, political parties, universities and media took part in the start of the information review process of the reports at the Hotel V Centenario Santo Domingo.

www.pnud.org.do (http://www.pnud.org.do)

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