View Full Version : Political dilemma

05-19-2011, 04:50 PM
The six pre-candidates for the PLD presidential nomination in the 20 May 2012 presidential election are faced with the dilemma of the waning popularity of the Fernandez government. The dilemma for the candidates is to keep their distance from the government or present themselves as a continuation of the Fernandez government.

El Caribe analyzes the way each of the aspiring candidates seeks to capitalize on the government's achievements and distance themselves from the problems that are known to provoke most disapproval.

Medina has based his campaign on slogans n with "continue what is right, correct what is wrong and do what has never been done" as his battle cry. As reported in El Caribe, the plan is to establish a difference but not break from the influential Fernandez leadership.

Francisco Dominguez Brito points to his own time as prosecutor general, which went by without scandal. He attacks corruption in government, seemingly oblivious to the fact that the decision on who will represent the party will be made mostly by government officials in the primary.

Vice President Rafael Alburquerque focuses on his own work in government, where he has managed RD$11 billion in social programs. He promises to continue the work of the President, which differentiates him from Medina.

Jose Tomas Perez focuses on two sectors where the PLD government has been criticized n farming and education. He calls for them to be re-engineered and for more technology.

Radhames Segura talks about strengthening education and dedicating 4% of the budget to education. He proposes to conclude the infrastructure works begun by the government and increase the social services budget allocation.

Franklin Almeyda promises to reduce poverty and pledged to build 600,000 new homes in four years. He points to his record building houses when at the Ministry of Interior & Police, as part of the Barrio Seguro neighborhood safety enhancement programs.

In an interview in today's Listin Diario, Danilo Medina, who is considered the most popular of the PLD aspiring candidates, says he counts on the votes of President Leonel Fernandez. Fernandez has said he would be neutral into the primary. Fernandez supporters owned up to 2 million votes. Listin Diario concludes that whoever is the PLD candidate into the 20 May election should be able to count on the support of President Fernandez. "That is the combination of all our efforts. Of the party, of the President, of the candidate. They all add up," he said. He feels he is on the way. "Without being the candidate I have 40% of the population, that is a lot," he said.

If he wins the primary, it will be Medina's second run for President. In 2000 he ran against Hipolito Mejia who returns as the PRD candidate in 2012.

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