View Full Version : Soriano Familia off limits for probe

05-19-2011, 04:50 PM
Police Colonel Elvis Florencio Soriano Familia is off limits for investigation in the case of drug trafficker Jose David Figueroa Agosto. Major General Rolando Rosado Mateo, head of the National Drug Control Department defended Soriano Familia. He was initially mentioned during the arrest of Sobeida Felix Morel, when she was first identified as the girlfriend of fugitive Jose David Figueroa Agosto. She accused him of taking one of the bags of money with around US$1.5 million in cash. At the time, she also outspokenly held him responsible for her security.

Yesterday Rosado Mateo defended Soriano Familia against all accusations, as reported in El Dia.

He said that a board of officers had recommended the expulsion from the Armed Forces of 13 officers and corporals assigned to the anti-drug agency for their ties to a 33-kilo drug seizure that was intended for export to Canada through Puerto Plata International Airport. "We have dismissed and sent to justice more than 100 officers and agents of the DNCD and the Airport Security Corps (CESA) in the past two years for their links to the airport mafias," said Rosado Mateo as reported in Listin Diario.

The dismissed officers are: Colonel Ramon A. Vasquez Diaz, Captain Genetti Moronta, First Lieutenants Franskimy Moreno Salcedo and Randy Francisco Grullon, the first three from the Army the fourth from the Air Force. He also recommended the expulsion of Sergeant Majors Duarte Simon Pierre of the Army, and Gerardo Santana de los Santos, Joan Manuel Vargas Lugo and Beltran Espino Green of the Air Force.

Mateo reported that the smuggling networks in operation at the airports have been weakened. He said hundreds of kilos had been exported via these networks but that seizures at the airport are up 90% so far this year.

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