View Full Version : Bartolo Colon again shows his stuff

05-19-2011, 04:50 PM
The new Bartolo Colon pitched eight scoreless innings in the 15-inning game against the Baltimore Orioles won by his New York Yankees 4-1 yesterday. Colon left the game with only a one-run lead to a game that went into a tie that ran into the 15th inning. Fellow Dominican Robinson Cano saved the 4 hours and 56 minutes game for Colon when he batted a double that brought in two runs in the 15th inning, breaking the 1-1 tie.

Colon's outstanding performance keeps him in the spotlight as a medical miracle. In an operation in the DR, Dr. Joseph Purita, an orthopedic surgeon from Florida, accompanied by Dominican colleagues, injected bone marrow stem cells from Colon himself into his elbow and shoulder. The operation is cited as the reason for Colon's return to his best days performance. The injection is proven to have helped repair ligament damage and a torn rotator cuff. Dr. Joseph Purita, an orthopedic surgeon from Florida has said this is the future of sports medicine and recommends that Pedro Martinez undergo treatment.

Read more:

www.nytimes.com/2011/05/19/sports/baseball/for-yankees-start-and-finish-make-up-for-whats-between.html?src=twr (http://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/19/sports/baseball/for-yankees-start-and-finish-make-up-for-whats-between.html?src=twr)

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