View Full Version : IMF wants swift progress

10-27-2006, 03:50 PM
Hoy newspaper reports that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) is urging the Dominican Republic to get its act together and have the new tax reform and 2007 budget completed by 15 December at the latest. The IMF explained that they would exercise diligence in the matter so that the country could access a US$500 million loan. The DR also has a US$180 million loan pending with the IMF for implementation in 2007. IMF chairman Rodolfo Rato has explained to President Fernandez and his economic team that the IMF would like the laws that would create the news offices of Treasury and Planning, Budget, and Monetary Regulation to be passed by this date. Dominican officials have been willing to make all the compromises necessary to comply with international agreements and treaty, but Finance Minister Vicente Bengoa is quoted in El Caribe newspaper as saying that the country would not accept the IMF's intentions of taxing savings, bank transfers, and the cash withdrawal of money from automated teller machines.

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