View Full Version : Climbing Mount Everest

05-20-2011, 05:40 PM
Strong winds thwarted a first attempt by Dominican climbers to reach the summit of Mount Everest last weekend. Weather conditions have improved and the good news is that the third climber, Federico Jovine who would not have made the climb last week as he was recovering from bronchitis, has now joined Karim Mella and Ivan Gomez. They say that this Friday evening they expect to report back home they made it to the top. The team members are together at Camp 3, at an altitude of some 7,300 meters.

The trio hopes to become the first Dominicans to climb Mount Everest.

www.dr1.com/forums/dominicans-abroad/114245-follow-first-dominican-expedition-climb-mount-everest-himalayas-2.html (http://www.dr1.com/forums/dominicans-abroad/114245-follow-first-dominican-expedition-climb-mount-everest-himalayas-2.html)

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