View Full Version : Public Health calls for halt to stem cell use

05-24-2011, 02:40 PM
The successful use of stem cells in the shoulder of pitching star Bartolo Colon has stirred up a hornet's nest of inquiry and worry. This can be seen in the headlines in today's Listin Diario where the Ministry of Public Health calls for a stop to the use of stem cells, and the National Council of Bio-Ethics in Health (Conabios) is saying that the processes have not been approved in the Dominican Republic. On the other hand, Dr. Leonel Liriano said he was sorry that the process, which involves using bone marrow, has not been properly or adequately explained. He said that the only thing that is new is that the procedure was used in sports medicine. He said: "I think that the country has not been adequately informed and has not adequately understood (the procedure). Because there is no way that Conabios would be issuing these statements and therefore if Conabios acts this way, the Minister has to respond."

He said that all the orthopedists who, for example, work on the spinal column, are working with bone marrow.... In other words, I am not using anything that is not done here, and what I have done is use it in my area, sports medicine," he said. Conabios said it was concerned about the long-term effects or that patients would flock to the Dominican Republic for such treatments.

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