View Full Version : Who gave Figueroa Agosto the DNI card?

05-24-2011, 02:40 PM
A former Lieutenant Colonel of the Dominican Army with 27 years of service under his belt, Jose Francisco Rodriguez Fernandez, denied responsibility for issuing a National Department of Investigations (DNI) identification card to Jose David Figueroa Agosto, saying he never had the power or the authorization to make such a decision. The DNI is the local equivalent to the FBI in the US.

Rodriguez Fernandez gave his statements to the District Attorney of the National District during an interview that lasted several hours. According to the statement by the retired officer, only the director of the National Investigation Directorate (DNI) had the authority to issue an ID card. Rodriguez said he had been involved in the procedure but did not have "quality nor capacity" to deliver the card to any person, as reported in El Caribe.

Rodriguez said on the Huchi Lora afternoon talk show that the evaluations to accredit a person as a member of the DNI could only be accepted or rejected by the director, who is the only person with capacity to issue the ID.

As reported in El Caribe, former director of the National Department of Investigations, Retired General Fernando Evangelista Cruz Mendez also denied responsibility. Answering a question by talk show host Huchi Lora on CDN about who issues the cards, Cruz Mendez said he would have to "see if things were that way". He said he did not recall, nor was aware if the card was issued. "I would have to see if there is documentation, but if there is documentation where the director approves what passed by all the procedures to issue a card of that kind," he said on the radio talk show.

He said he learned about Figueroa Agosto after the case hit the press. "I understand he used other names," he said.

After the interview, District Attorney Alejandro Moscoso Segarra told reporters that he was thinking about interviewing the DNI director General Cruz Mendez. Last year, the retired general made headlines when joining the campaign forces of PRD presidential candidate, former President Hipolito Mejia. El Nacional reported that he said Dominican society was dying because of the costly government, and that graft was killing government institutions.

www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2010/10/18/63849/General-retirado-cuestiona-gastos-de-Gobierno-LF (http://www.elnacional.com.do/nacional/2010/10/18/63849/General-retirado-cuestiona-gastos-de-Gobierno-LF)

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