View Full Version : Electricity costs

10-31-2006, 04:50 PM
A report prepared for the renegotiation of the Madrid Accord that will continue on 8 November stipulates that the energy service in the country will gradually increase all the way through 2012. Listin Diario says that for next year the electricity distributors will pay on average 13.04 US cents to the dollar per KW/h of energy, though lower than the 2006 average of 3.29 cents. In 2008 the price will be 4.19 US cents per KW/h, in 2009 15.27 US cents per KW/h, which represents a 7.6% increase. In 2010 the price will be 16.66 US cents per KW/h, the next year will see an 18-cent increase and by 2012 the energy distributors will have to pay 19.50 US cents per KW/h, equivalent to an 8.3% increase. The report also points out that the deficit, which this year is at US$423 million, will decrease on a yearly basis, though there was no word on whether the cost of electricity to the consumer will also decrease.

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