View Full Version : Mejia's two cents

10-31-2006, 04:50 PM
Ex-President Hipolito Mejia has urged President Leonel Fernandez to "tighten belts" and stop the squandering of public funds, considering that by the end of the year government costs will exceed the RD$12 billion budgeted. Mejia says that the fiscal reform is Fernandez and the PLD party's wish, and not an IMF imposition. Mejia says that Fernandez and the IMF have been working on finding new ways to implement a fiscal reform since July, and says that those points are present in the 3rd and 4th revisions of the Stand-by agreement with the IMF. Mejia, quoted in Listin Diario, says that it is the government's responsibility to tighten their belts, seeing that the public and private sectors have already done so.
PRD party secretary general, Orlando Jorge writes today in El Caribe that the PLD government has enjoyed RD$54 billion increase in revenues, product of two tax increases passed by Congress since the start of the Fernandez administration.

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