View Full Version : UASD dispute continues

10-31-2006, 04:50 PM
Teachers at the UASD have given the university administration until 7 November to resolve the current dispute, and are threatening longer strikes if their demands are not met. Professors met yesterday to discuss the issue and Rector Roberto Reyna asked for a vote of confidence, while students urged for a resolution to avoid missing out on more classes. This report comes one day after it was reported that the UASD University Professors Association (Faprouasd) claimed that they had not reached an agreement with the administration, on the selection of a new health insurance plan, as was reported in many news outlets over the weekend. Faprouasd president Hector Sanchez clarified, in a report published in El Caribe newspaper yesterday, that the association had only been presented with an offer to solve the problem, and that the meeting at which it was presented was not the appropriate time to vote on the offer, since there hadn't been any consultation with their members. El Caribe reports that the UASD public relations office had issued a press release announcing the resolution to the conflict that led to a two-day strike last week. Sanchez said that Faprouasd is willing to continue negotiations, but described the selection of the current medical plan as "abusive and illegal."

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