View Full Version : Institutional weakness is main challenge

05-27-2011, 04:40 PM
Economist Miguel Ceara Hatton says that while education and unreliable electricity are two serious obstacles to development, the greatest challenge Dominican society faces is the lack of strong institutions.

"I believe the country's greatest problem is institutional. That is the greatest weakness in this country. This is a country where there are no consequences. This is a country that needs the rule of consequences. Whoever cannot fulfill his job should be fired," said the development expert.

Ceara Hatton has been responsible for the production of human development reports for the United Nations Human Development Program.

He said that an improvement in Dominican institutions would lead to an improvement in efficiency in educational, health and public administration.

Diario Libre reports on a statement made on Wednesday by US Ambassador Raul Yzaguirre, who expressed the opinion that the greatest challenges the Dominican Republic faces are education, the energy issue and rule of law.

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