View Full Version : Caricom-DR-Spain Forum

05-27-2011, 04:40 PM
The First Caricom-Dominican Republic-Spain Forum will take place at the Hotel Jaragua Monday, 30 May and Tuesday, 31 May. The event is sponsored by ProInvest and the European Union with the backing of the National Business Council (CONEP) and the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic (AIRD).

Scheduled speakers at the event are: opening words by Ligia Bonetti de Valiente, president of the Association of Industries of the Dominican Republic. Presentation of the PROEURINVEST program by Joan Tristany and Circe Almanzar, executive vice president of the AIRD. Address on The State of the World: Challenges and Economic Recovery by Lisandro Macarrulla, president of Sans Souci Tourism Investments and ex-president of the CONEP. Opportunities for business and importance of information with Roberto Despradel and Carlos Rodriguez Alvarez. Legislation on Direct Foreign Investment in the DR and Caricom by Roberto Despradel.

Import/Export policies of the Dominican Republic and Caricom with Elka Scheker. Opportunities for doing business in Cariforum with Carles Murillo.

Executives and members of leading Dominican business and industry associations will be taking part, including the Dominican Beer Manufacturers Association (Adoface), Dominican Rum Producers Association (Adopron), Herrera Industrial Association (AEIH), Dominican Free Zones Association (Adozona) and the Haina Industries Association.

In a press conference announcing the event, Ligia Bonetti said that local manufacturing exports are up 7.2% in 2010 compared to 2009. "If we subtract petroleum by products, our trade balance with Caricom is positive, which is not the case with Central America or the United States," she said.

To register, contact Carolina Cueto at 809 472-0000 ext 32 or ccueto@aird.org.do

www.portalindustrial.net/descargas/Dossier.pdf (http://www.portalindustrial.net/descargas/Dossier.pdf)

www.netfactoris.com/public/clientes/e00059/docs/Programa_foro_conferencias_ESP.pdf (http://www.netfactoris.com/public/clientes/e00059/docs/Programa_foro_conferencias_ESP.pdf)

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#13)