View Full Version : No UN for DR

11-02-2006, 02:00 PM
Venezuela and Guatemala have ended their 44-round political boxing match in a draw and have decided to select Panama as an alternative choice for a seat on the United Nations Security Council. This now excludes the DR, which for a few weeks had been mentioned as a possible consensus candidate for the position. Guatemala beat Venezuela in 47 rounds of voting, but was unable to reach a consensus vote, and the decision was announced by Ecuadorian ambassador to the UN Diego Cordovez. Guatemalan Foreign Affairs Minister Gert Rosenthal says that Panama was selected because of its geographical position uniting Central and South America. He is quoted by the BBC as saying that it needed to be a country that was well accepted by all the countries in the region. If the region accepts Panama's selection it will be sent to the General Assembly for approval, and will then not need a vote to be accepted. Gert Rosenthal remarked that Panama's selection comes as a surprise, since the DR had been mentioned for quite some time.

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