View Full Version : Make the most of DR-CAFTA

11-02-2006, 02:00 PM
Dominican ambassador to the United States Dr. Flavio Dario Espinal says that the electricity crisis in the country is like the sword of Damocles, affecting quality of life and business competitiveness, especially for small and medium-sized businesses. Hoy quotes Espinal as saying that the country's entrance into DR-CAFTA should open a debate on how to make the most of the free trade agreement. Espinal called for Dominicans to start looking beyond DR-CAFTA and to look to development ideas for equitable growth. The ambassador also says that 80.1% of Dominican exports are to the American market, and that bilateral trade in 2005 equaled US$10 billion. Because of this, he believes that the DR should aim for a more balanced trade with the United States. Of the DR-CAFTA signatories, the DR is one of the top five importers of US goods, receiving 30%. Espinal is quoted in El Caribe as saying that DR-CAFTA can provide many advantages, but that development won't just appear out of nowhere, and that Dominicans must prepare for the free trade agreement. He continued by saying that the country's ability to take part in DR-CAFTA and make the most of the benefits has a strong base in the country's political, macro and micro-economic stability and a developed infrastructure of roads, ports and airports.

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