View Full Version : Uribe on the late President Balaguer

06-01-2011, 03:40 PM
Former President of Colombia Alvaro Uribe is in the Dominican Republic. Yesterday, he attended the Partido Revolucionario Social Cristiano (PRSC) and Fuerza Nacional Progresista (FNP) event to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the presidencies of politician Joaquin Balaguer in 1966. Uribe praised Balaguer and said that his government was an exercise of authority to guide the country to peace and social policies for the long term.

"Those who try to describe him as an opportunist due to the circumstances and his closeness with Trujillo are going to have to examine the history of President Balaguer more closely. I think it was one of stubborn dialectics, and when he felt the need to change, he did not hesitate to embrace change with all the enthusiasm and all consequences," he stated. Uribe was the guest speaker at the celebration. He said that Juan Bosch and Joaquin Balaguer built a constructive friendship that they always cultivated. He described Balaguer as a nationalist, who did not close the doors to other countries, but always sought that relations should be good for the country.

During his own comments, the president of the PRSC, Carlos Morales Troncoso spoke of the large number of public infrastructure works under Balaguer. He stressed that most of the works during the Balaguer years were built with money from the National Budget, as he did not take on loans. Morales Troncoso said that Balaguer's many constructions would qualify him for the title of the statesman who built the largest number of the country's infrastructure works. He said the economic measures taken by Balaguer at the start of his 1966 government formed the basis for the country's economic growth and subsequent development, adding that the industrial laws passed during the Balaguer administrations had formed the basis for industrial development in the country.

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