View Full Version : Paying higher fares

11-02-2006, 02:00 PM
Public transport sector drivers have declared that they will increase the costs of riding on a bus or shared taxi ("publico") if the government decides to remove the subsidy on propane gas (GLP), as was announced yesterday. Listin Diario reports that drivers in Santiago have said they will double prices if the subsidy is removed. Antonio Marte from transport union CONATRA said that drivers would not accept a removal of a subsidy that is used to provide a public service, and FENATRANO union president Juan Hubieres said that if the government wants to proceed with this course of action, which according to him will seriously affect the middle class; many groups will be ready to march in protest. Ironically, publico and minibus operators consistently increased fares when the price of petrol went up, even at times when the price of propane gas was fixed at a heavily subsidized rate.

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