View Full Version : Prosecutor force is law

06-06-2011, 02:40 PM
President Leonel Fernandez passed the Prosecutor General Fundamental Law on Friday. The law creates a new force dubbed the Technical Judicial Police (PTJ).

The new law entrusts the Prosecutor General Office and the new PTJ with criminal investigations, with the exception of crimes involving corruption in government, among others. Prosecutor General Radhames Jimenez Pena said that the new investigative police for the fight against organized crime. It sets to eliminate brutal police coercive measures.

The new law will enter into effect when the government prepares the ruling for its implementation. The government has 12 months to prepare the ruling.

The chief of the Police, Major General Jose A. Polanco Gomez expressed disagreement with the formation of the new corps, saying that taking the task of criminal investigations away from the Police, would lead to an increase in crime, not a reduction.

Reality has shown that many criminals obtain their release due to procedural errors on the part of the prosecutors, and the same criminals repeat offend when back on the streets. Similar exercises have failed in Mexico and Venezuela. While the evidence may indicate that a suspect is guilty of a crime, bad handling of the crime scene often results in justification for the release of the criminal, as reported in El Caribe

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