View Full Version : NG warns of loss of water

06-07-2011, 03:10 PM
The Dominican Republic is one of the most fortunate nations in the Americas with 2,200 cubic meters of fresh water for each inhabitant. However, in the opinions of two National Geographic Magazine writers, the country could lose this enviable position due to population growth, deforestation and environmental contamination.

Listin Diario quotes them as saying that by 2050 the water supply per person could be reduced to just 300 cubic meters, since some 70% of the water was being used to produce foodstuffs. Joel Bourne Jr. and Mattias Klum spoke with Listin Diario reporters after their conference on the environment sponsored by G-learn and the newspaper.

One of their suggestions was a serious reduction in the average size of families, and another was to emphasize the use of renewable energy. They cited cases of Iran and Denmark as examples of successful programs in these areas.

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