View Full Version : Scrap paper to good use

06-08-2011, 03:50 PM
El Caribe newspaper reports on one of the more successful use of the Three R Principles (Reuse, Reduce and Recycle) in an article in today's paper. For many people 'solid waste' is synonymous with 'garbage,' but for others it means raw material, especially old newspapers, scrap paper and other paper products that can be converted into egg cartons. The multi-national company Moldeados Dominicanos (Moldosa) receives between 18 and 20 tons of press copies and scrap papers from offices each day. This raw material is sorted and compacted into a starch-like watery paste. Then a mold creates the form and the proper consistency and the cardboard shapes go into an oven for a few minutes and what others have discarded becomes an egg carton or a glass holder used at fast food chains. With two parallel production lines, the company produces 2.5 million units a day and more than 500 tons a month. Ginny Heinsen, a director of the Center for Farming and Forest Development (Cedaf) says that this is just one example of entrepreneurship at work. The Cedaf is at the head of the 3R campaign, and today is World Ocean Day.

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