View Full Version : PC: austerity vs. graft

06-09-2011, 04:30 PM
The board of the civic group Participacion Ciudadana (PC) has rejected the taxation package presented by the government. PC says that the government should instead apply an austerity plan to its own spending, as reported in El Caribe.

Speaking for the organization, general coordinator Samir Chami Isa said that the enormous lack of credibility is the main obstacle facing the government to put into effect the tax package, independently of the quality of the proposal.

He said that citizens observe daily and numerous reports document the wastefulness of public funds that is characterized by "the lack of transparency, wastefulness, misappropriation, political patronage, favoritism, inefficiency and graft."

PC executive director Javier Cabrera observed that the government would use its majority in Congress to pass the taxation package.

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