View Full Version : Deputies pass new National Council of Magistracy bill

06-09-2011, 04:30 PM
Violating the Constitutional requirement that all fundamental laws need two-thirds of the vote of a house in Congress to pass, Chamber of Deputies president Abel Martinez had pronounced the modifications to the National Council of the Magistracy approved. Major protests followed. Now, the same Chamber of Deputies has revoked this law and moved a new bill through Congress, which responds to a political agreement reached by President Leonel Fernandez, who is also president of the ruling PLD party, and Miguel Vargas Maldonado, president of the PRD. The new bill was passed unanimously with the vote of 130 deputies present at the session. The deputies accepted that the favorable vote of five members present would pass dispositions within the National Council of the Magistracy. The number of members was increased to eight when President Leonel Fernandez requested the addition of the Attorney General, a presidential-appointee. The new bill now establishes that in case of a tie, the President will decide the vote.

The new bill also establishes that the first 13 members of the Constitutional Court will be replaced in three groups: four judges in the first six years, four at nine years and five at 12 years of exercise.

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