View Full Version : Perception of corruption

11-07-2006, 04:30 PM
The 2006 Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI), launched on Monday, 6 November by Transparency International (TI), ranks the DR as 19th out of 28 Latin American states and 99th of 163 countries. The report reveals that the perception of corruption in the country has increased over 2005 (85th) and 2004 (87th). The index results point to a strong correlation between corruption and poverty, with a concentration of impoverished states evident at the bottom of the ranking.
Transparency International points out that the weak performance of many countries indicates that the facilitators of corruption continue to assist political elites to launder, store and otherwise profit from unjustly acquired wealth, which often includes looted state assets. "The presence of willing intermediaries - who are often trained in or who operate from leading economies -- encourages corruption; it means the corrupt know there will be a banker, accountant, lawyer or other specialist ready to help them generate, move or store their illicit income," states the organization.
See http://www.transparency.org/news_room/in_focus/cpi_2006/cpi_table

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