View Full Version : First call for National Tests

06-15-2011, 03:30 PM
With an agenda that begins on 20 June, the Minister of Education issued a call to more than 300,000 students to take the Standardized National Tests at the elementary and secondary levels. The call is to 145,000 students finishing primary school (8th Grade), some 31,000 Adult Education students, 118,000 high school seniors and 18,000 technical school graduates.

The Ministry says that the tests are a tool for assessing the students' level of learning. There are exams in Spanish, Mathematics, Social Studies and Natural Sciences. The grades obtained in the National Tests make up 30% of each student's final grades, and the remaining 70% comes from the grades achieved during the school year.

Students get two chances to pass the tests at elementary level and three at secondary level.

Ancell Scheker, director general of testing at the Ministry of Education, told El Nuevo Diario reporters that there were not many changes in the format this year, while stressing that there was improved security and quality control of the processes.

The first group to be tested will be the eighth graders, starting on 20 June in the morning. The Adult Education students will be tested the same week, but in the afternoons. Finally, the high school seniors will be tested starting on 27 June, and their exams will be administered in the afternoon.

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