View Full Version : Fernandez to Middle East

06-16-2011, 04:00 PM
President Leonel Fernandez departs today on a 10-day trip to Europe and the Middle East. His first stop will be Madrid, where he will meet with Spanish business leaders and university representatives, and will be interviewed by the country's leading newspaper El Pais. The trip had not been officially announced until the Presidency confirmed it yesterday.

As reported in Diario Libre, President Fernandez will meet with King Abdullah of Jordan in Amman on Saturday. He will also be meeting with the directors of the University of Jordan Center of Strategic Studies, followed by a Monday meeting with Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf al-Bakhit. Reports are he will be present at the signing of an agreement between the DR Center for Exports & Investments and the Jordanian Chamber of Commerce where he will give a speech. He will then meet with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah on Sunday.

In Israel, President Fernandez is scheduled to meet with President Shimon Peres. In Jerusalem, he will participate in a seminar on "High Technology and Investment in the DR" on Tuesday, 21 June at the King David Hotel to promote the DR's high-tech and business sector. This event is being organized by the Dominican Embassy in Israel.

In Israel his agenda includes meetings with officials from the Mofet Institute, the Technion Center, the Asper Center for Entrepreneurship and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Fernandez will be participating in Israeli President Shimon Peres' "Conference on Tomorrow" for the first time.

www.presidentconf.org.il/en/minisite2011_en.asp (http://www.presidentconf.org.il/en/minisite2011_en.asp)

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