View Full Version : Government mute on cutting spending

11-08-2006, 05:00 PM
Hoy newspaper page two, Que Se Dice commentary mentions today how no government officer, especially those who have defended the fiscal reform has referred to demands for the government to adjust its spending in order to convince the country to swallow the heralded next belt-tightening. "The explanation to the silence is as simple as it is obvious," writes the commentator. "Belt tightening for government officers today means resigning per diem, representation, and travel abroad allotments, not to mention the de rigeur SUV or the chauffeur that takes the boys to school and the missus to the beauty parlor and the supermarket," is the explanation given. "We then cannot blame them if they do not want to give up these privileges, without which, we have to recognize, governing this tropical paradise loses all its charm," is the conclusion.

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