View Full Version : President Fernandez leaves for 10-day tour

06-17-2011, 04:50 PM
President Leonel Fernandez set off on his 10-day overseas trip yesterday afternoon on board an Iberia flight to Madrid. He will be visiting Madrid, Amman, Ramallah, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Paris. The Presidency reported he is traveling with First Lady Margarita Cedeno, Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso, his assistants Danilo Perez and Yamina Sosa, the director of the Center for Export & Investment, Eddy Martinez, the director of the Social Security Institute Sabino Baez, his press director Rafael Nunez, and members of the presidential military corps. He returns on 26 June.

El Caribe reports that since taking office in August 2004, Fernandez has traveled abroad 74 times. In 2005 he went on 16 trips, in 2009 he went abroad 9 times, and in 2010 he traveled abroad on 14 occasions. In total, he has spent 109 days out of the country. On his last tour, he traveled to Switzerland and India for 14 days.

Because of the increasingly pressing issues at home, President Fernandez's trips are becoming more controversial. Sociologist Carlos Baez Evertsz writes in acento.com.do that the trips of Fernandez are more for particular gain, than for the benefit of the Dominican people.



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