View Full Version : The soul and the lion

06-17-2011, 04:50 PM
In her page two Diario Libre editorial today, Inez Aizpun observes that President Leonel Fernandez will give a speech in Barcelona where "indignant" citizens have protested against abuses by Spanish politicians. She comments that perhaps in Barcelona, the President will perceive when and how public dissatisfaction with official incompetence can move from bad tempered criticism to inappropriate clashes.

She comments that at some point the PLD lost its soul. "And a party without soul is something difficult to sell and manage. The efforts to resuscitate the party with the spirit of the wholesome Leonelism that would have compensated for the absence of ideals do not seem to have worked," she writes. She observes that when a president of a government speaks of himself in third person and nicknames himself "the lion" it is evident that we are going to have trouble understanding his thoughts.

She comments that that is what is up for grabs on 26 June, when referring to the meeting of the PLD to choose the presidential candidate and other matters. "More than the election of the candidate, what is important is Leonel and his team's attempt at leverage with a carefree Felix Bautista at the helm, in detriment to his party's internal democracy. They want to have control through 2016, but without internal elections."

For us down on the street, we are fed up with paying taxes, she writes. "If the government needs more money, let it pass the hat around its offices, and eliminate inoperative offices and even ministries. Let it control its corruption that according to the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) is at around 100 billion a year. Everyone is outraged at the fact that they are going to increase taxes under these circumstances."

The writer can be contacted at IAizpun@diariolibre.com

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