View Full Version : UNDP says Human Development Reports to continue

06-17-2011, 04:50 PM
In response to the announcement of the dismantling of the research team that worked on the production of human development reports, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Human Development Office in the DR says that the team of researchers would continue its work, but under new coordination.

"Now and always the UNDP will back the preparation of human development reports that are an essential voice in the global dialogue on development, an open dialogue, that is inclusive, participative and impartial that the UNDP promotes as it has over the past two decades," states the office in a note delivered to acento.com.do.

The office, nevertheless, did not name the new coordinator. Chief coordinator Miguel Ceara Hatton will no longer be working on the reports.

The UNDP first produced the reports in 1998, working with economist Jaime Aristy Escuder, together with Jackeline Mora Baez, Rita Mena Peguero, Isis Duarte, Irma Arriaga and Jose Ottenwalder. The reports were again published in 2005 and 2008 under the coordination of Miguel Ceara Hatton with a team of researchers that included Pavel Isa Contreras, who is also leaving.

El Dia reports today that anthropologist Tahira Vargas and historian Anny Feliz are also leaving the team. They said they had resigned in disagreement at the way in which the UNDP resident representative in the DR, Valerie Julliand, treated Ceara Hatton and Pavel Isa. Another team member, Olaya Dotel, said that despite having been hired to work on the research this month, said she was not willing to accept the conditions set by Julliand, who she described as authoritarian.

El Dia says that only six of the 12 researchers remain.

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