View Full Version : The best in theater

11-09-2006, 05:30 PM
World class award-winning theater presentations are scheduled for this weekend in Santo Domingo. The 5th Santo Domingo Theater Festival opens Thursday, 9 November at 7 pm at Plaza de Espana with the performance of Chilean-French group La Gran Reyneta-Royal de Luxe's "Roman Photo." Roman Photo will again be presented at Plaza de Espana at 7 pm on Friday, 10 November and Saturday, 11 November.
On Friday, 10 November, the highlight of the festival is the Patron Vasquez's dramatic-comedy, "La Estupidez" presentation at the Sala Munuel Rueda of the Bellas Artes Palace, where five actors perform 24 characters all staged around motel rooms near Las Vegas, Nevada.
On Sunday, not to be missed is the Matacandelas group presentation at 4 pm at the Columbus Park in the Colonial City. Or the "Dance Umbrella" and "Sous Nos Yeux" presentations by Marie Josee Chartier of Canada at 9 pm at Casa de Teatro. On Tuesday, 14 November, do not miss the 7 pm performance of Peru's Yuyachkani group, "Adios Ayacucho" at the Sala Ravelo of the National Theater. And on Wednesday, at 9 pm at the Manuel Rueda Hall of Bellas Artes Palace, Brazil's mime, Denise Stocklos is presenting Mary Stuart, where she impersonates both Mary Stuart and Queen Elizabeth and the torturous pulls of political power of the period.
For more on forthcoming events, see http://www.dr1.com/calendar

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