View Full Version : Jordanian and Palestinian leaders to visit the DR

06-21-2011, 05:20 PM
King Abdullah of Jordan and President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority told President Leonel Fernandez that they hoped to visit the Dominican Republic in the near future as part of the Dominican President's push to strengthen commercial, cultural and diplomatic ties with the region.

Listin Diario says that the visits will take place in September and October this year. Fernandez, himself, described his visit to the area as "historic", and said that he was pleased with the results. The Jordan Times reported that Fernandez highlighted the common factors shared by the DR and Jordan, especially with regard to the democratic drive and economic openness.

On Monday, Jordanian Prime Minister Marouf Bakhit discussed ways of bolstering bilateral relations as well as the latest regional developments with Fernandez. Bakhit stressed the importance of the visit to Jordan as a means of boosting bilateral ties. He mentioned the need to increase cooperation in the fields of trade, tourism and investment between the two countries, emphasizing the importance of Jordan's location as a gateway to other regional markets, as reported in Jordan Times. Fernandez was on a three-day visit to Jordan.

Bakhit invited the Dominican Republic to participate in the International Tourism Conference that Jordan is hosting in September. Currently, the tourism sector's contribution to the Kingdom's gross domestic product stands at around 21%.

The Prime Minister and President Fernandez attended the signing of a memorandum of understanding between the two countries' ministries of foreign affairs to develop political coordination between both sides.

During a session at the Amman Chamber of Commerce, Fernandez gave a long talk on the advantages of investing in the Dominican Republic in the areas of agriculture, alternative energy, tourism, infrastructure, electronics, manufacturing and technological development.

In a bid to boost trade, on Monday the Amman Chamber of Commerce (ACC) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Dominican Republic's Centre for Export and Investment to enhance commercial cooperation.

ACC president Riyadh Saifi invited Dominican businesspeople to visit Jordan and become acquainted with investment opportunities and learn about Jordanian products so as to increase the joint volume of commercial exchange.

During the visit, Fernandez and the First Lady visited the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ and other historical and archaeological attractions in the area.

The Jordan Times also reported that they reviewed the latest developments in the Palestinian issue, stressing the need to reach a just and viable solution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

After their visits to Jordan and the Palestinian Authority, the Dominican President arrived in Israel with his wife, Margarita, and his entourage.

www.jordantimes.com/index.php?news=38688 (http://www.jordantimes.com/index.php?news=38688)

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