View Full Version : Not all clinics have raised their prices by 14%

06-21-2011, 05:20 PM
The Directorate of Information and Defense of Affiliates (DIDA) has released a statement revealing that most private clinics that belong to the Association of Private Clinics and Hospitals (Andeclip) have not introduced the 14% increase in their charges for medical services that was agreed on during Andeclip's assembly last weekend. According to a DIDA press release as reported in El Nuevo Diario, only Gynecology and Obstetrics and the Abel Gonzalez Clinic were charging the 14% increase in the National District. DIDA says that the 14% increase is illegal and its supervisors are visiting all the clinics affiliated with the system to check on this issue.

According to El Nuevo Diario, many of the larger clinics, such as the clinic operated by the Universidad Central del Este (UCE), are studying the situation. In the meantime, DIDA inspectors and supervisors are visiting the clinics to ensure compliance with Law 87-01. DIDA director Nelsida Marmolejos called on the affiliates of the nation's Family Health Insurance plans to reject the increase, and advised them to take their complaints to the DIDA for settlement if they are obliged to pay more than what is established by Law.

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