View Full Version : Alcohol tax makes producers see double

11-10-2006, 06:10 PM
Alcohol producers met with Presidential Technical Secretary Temistocles Montas yesterday to discuss the possibility of further taxing alcoholic beverages. The government has announced that the tax on alcoholic beverages will be fixed, regardless of alcohol content. Currently alcohol in the DR is taxed according to percentage. Producers in the country are concerned that this new tax on beverages will be in addition to the current alcohol grade taxation, which would in fact equal a double tax on the beverages. Montas kept a tight lip on the situation because, as Diario Libre reports, he neither agreed nor denied the possibility of double taxation. All Montas did was increase anxiety among producers when he told them that they, and the public, should wait until next Tuesday, when the President will explain the details of the fiscal reform. Speaking on the subject of the fiscal reform yesterday, Montas also clarified that the IMF had never presented a proposal for the fiscal reform, but had submitted a "cocktail" of options that the government could use for the fiscal reform.

More... (http://www.dr1.com/index.html#6)