View Full Version : President promulgates CNM law

06-22-2011, 06:20 PM
On Tuesday, the Executive Branch promulgated the Fundamental Law on the National Council of Magistrates (CNM), which will replace Law 132-11 and will regulate the organization and operation of the council. The National Council of Magistrates will appoint the judges of the Supreme Court, the Constitutional Court and the Higher Electoral Court, the leading courts.

The CNM will have eight members, chaired by the President of the Republic. The other members will be the presidents of the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice. The CNM also includes another Supreme Court judge as well as a senator designated by the Senate president. This senator will belong to the second largest party in the Senate. A deputy will also be chosen from the second largest party in the Chamber of Deputies. Finally, the Attorney General of the Republic, who is chosen by the President of the Republic, will be a member of the council. The President of the Republic will preside over the council at all times and the Vice-President will take his place in his absence. According to El Caribe, the President will convene the CNM meetings and the quorum is defined as the full membership at the first call and the invitation should state the agenda of the meeting.

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