View Full Version : Full Motha' Circle

11-10-2006, 06:10 PM
Apparently all the weird ways of the universe were waiting on me for was a blog post.
Hanging with the sweet boy, I finally let go a little the other night and came over to this space (it is a space; it's a window, and checkboxes; an interface can be like home) and went back on my 'thisisnotapersonalblog' (which Dacia (http://www.wakingvixen.com/archives/000621.html) noticed, and yes, damn, are we not all walking that line right now) criteria for writing here. It wasn't much of a reveal, as reveals go. But now here I am, in my new apartment, getting ready to take my first shower in my first bathroom of my own, and --
-- okay, wait.

More... (http://www.melissagira.com/mobwhorelog/archives/000419.html)