View Full Version : President Fernandez votes in PLD primary

06-27-2011, 02:10 PM
After arriving on a private jet from New York City around noon, President Leonel Fernandez cast his vote for the PLD presidential candidate at the PLD primary at around 4:30pm. He and First Lady Margarita Cedeno voted at station 90, at the General Archive of the Nation.

Motivating PLD followers, as quoted in Hoy, the President said: "[The party] that guarantees progress, that guarantees transparency, that guarantees the transformation of Dominican society in the economic, social, political, cultural, technological and greater international presence.... the PLD has demonstrated this."

As reported, the President commended what he described as a democratic, plural, transparent and massive process of the PLD primary that reaffirms the people's support for the ruling party.

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