View Full Version : UASD faces complex issues

11-13-2006, 03:50 PM
The recurring teachers strikes affecting the state-run Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD) are propagated by a complex mix of struggles, both political and economic, that have nothing to do with the issue of health insurance. According to Diario Libre, its sources are saying that the strikes are motivated by a series of decisions by the current rector after he received the results of an audit by the General Accounting Office (Camara de Cuentas). The audit covered the accounts of the Purchasing and Supply departments of the University Dining Facility, the Buildings Department and the Student Bookstore. Due to the "irregularities" that were discovered, there were several firings, and these firings are the basic cause of the strikes.
According to the newspaper, adding more wood to the fire is the fact that Rector Roberto Reyna has ordered new audits for the university administration and has contracted a company, Sinergi to carry out a US$14 million project to completely computerize the university.
The most recent 72-hour labor strike has ended, but the institution is under the threat of an indefinite strike depending on the decisions taken at the union meetings due to be held this afternoon. The same sources identify Hector Sanchez, the head of the professors' union as being manipulated by the opposition, while others in the union are siding with the rector, especially in view of his program to modernize the campus, which has been achieved with the help of President Fernandez. According to El Caribe, the union leaders, Sanchez and Osiris Torres of the Employees' Union, admitted that they had received a new proposal from Reyna, but declined to give details. However, they did say that that it might lead to a conclusion of the current impasse.

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