View Full Version : DR improves standing

06-28-2011, 02:30 PM
Despite complaints by officialdom, the US State Department "Report on Trafficking of Persons" has raised the Dominican Republic from a Tier Three to a Tier Two-Watch List. A small improvement, but an improvement, nonetheless. The Dominican government has had limited success in the prosecution of crimes of human trafficking during 2010, according to the report by the United States Department of State on the Trafficking of Persons published yesterday on the agency web page.

The report can be found here: www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2011/index.htm (http://www.state.gov/g/tip/rls/tiprpt/2011/index.htm)

While it acknowledges some efforts by the Dominican government in terms of identifying and protecting a greater number of victims of trafficking, the report criticizes the fact that these have not been sustained in comparison with the previous period of the report, in prosecuting the people to blame for the trafficking, including officials who are complicit in forced prostitution and forced work. "Therefore, the Dominican Republic is placed in Tier Two-Watch List," the report says.

Dominican Foreign Minister Carlos Morales Troncoso said that it was inappropriate that the United States should auto-designate itself as the arbiter in this case, saying that they appeared to "place themselves above the other nations", and in the case of the Dominican Republic they attributed responsibilities to authorities where they do not belong. "It is equally inappropriate that in this report they speak of the Dominican government without taking into consideration the clear separation of powers, given that for moment it makes signals that appear to refer to the responsibilities of instructions in the Executive Branch of the government but which correspond to the area of the Judicial Power," he said.

Morales Troncoso defended the work that he said the Dominican state is doing to fight trafficking of persons and said that this was recognized by the report, placing the country at "Tier Two Watch List, a level that means it shows a serious commitment."

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