View Full Version : Lower tariffs produce more revenues

11-14-2006, 04:30 PM
In a report in the Listin Diario yesterday, government trade negotiator, Julio Ortega Tous advocated for a reduction in taxes, rather than an increase. He says this has been proven in Ireland, Spain and even the US. He stressed that the authorities need to push aside what he describers as "accounting mentality" and replace this with a "dynamic mentality." Ortega believes the government will collect more revenues if it considerably reduces tariffs. "The solution is to reduce the tariff and get more to pay taxes," he writes. He recommends reducing ITBIS to 12%, down from 16%. Others, such as former president of the Association of Industries, Celso Marranzini, and economist Frederic Emam Zade have recommended a flat 10% ITBIS and 10% income tax rate to reduce tax evasion and increase collections.
Meanwhile, economist Victor Canto writes today in the Listin that the clear win in the congressional election shows that President Fernandez has the support of the people to truly implement a fiscal reform. He says that the past three reforms over three years have been but "patches" or short term solutions and mentions that the tire may soon burst.

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