View Full Version : It's not an election year

11-14-2006, 04:30 PM
Senate president and PLD general secretary Reinaldo Pared Perez has warned PLD faction leaders to cease campaigning for Presidential candidates to represent the party at the next elections, especially during government inauguration ceremonies, because it is not the right time to do so. Speaking in Listin Diario, Pared Perez called on the PLD Political Committee to take a stand on the issue and asked them to penalize any person or group found engaging in these activities. Pared Perez's comments come as Danilo Medina is on the verge of launching his candidacy as the PLD's 2008 Presidential hopeful. Supporters of the President's re-election have made their presence felt during recent government events attended by President Leonel Fernandez, handing out flyers, pictures, and songs with Fernandez's re-election as the theme.

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