View Full Version : Spanish puppets exhibition

06-29-2011, 03:00 PM
Spanish company Munecos Animados presents an exhibition of popular children's characters at the Palacio de Bellas Artes through 17 July, Treinta anos de munecos animados. The company is responsible for classic characters like "Gomaespuma", "Los Lunnis", "Los Patata", "7 Pets", "Cuorelandia", "El circo de TVE", "La cocina de Baldo", and the cartoon films "Mortadelo y Filemon, Mision Salvar la Tierra", "El milagro de P. Tinto", "Candida", "Noviembre", "La increible aventura de Borjamari y Pocholo" and "La Gran Aventura de Mortadelo y Filemon."

Munecos Animados has been producing films and cartoons for more than 30 years and is now on a world tour of its productions.

Most of the exhibits at the Palacio de Bellas Artes are from its most recent productions. The exhibition is sponsored by Accion Cultural Espanola (AC/E), the Spanish government OEI and the Fundacion Munecos por el Desarrollo (Puppets for Development Foundation).

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