View Full Version : 30 deputy ministers at Labor

06-30-2011, 03:20 PM
Labor Minister Max Puig said that while the Ministry of Labor has 900 employees, there are 30 deputy ministers appointed at the Ministry. The deputy ministers for the most part are appointed by the President. The deputy ministers make RD$62,000 a month plus stipends for gasoline and other expenditures.

Speaking on the TV show El Dia on Channel 11, Puig said that the National Budget allotments received at the Ministry of Labor are only enough to pay electricity, telephone and the cost of rent of the ministry offices nationwide.

I calculate that a deputy minister costs the government RD$1 million a year, when gasoline expenditures are added in, he said on the TV show.

Puig said that this year the ministry has not been able to play several service and goods suppliers because of the budget cuts carried out by the government.

Puig has announced he has resigned the post in order to dedicate himself to run for President on the APD ticket in 2012.

The Fernandez administration has been criticized for excessive payroll and wasteful spending.

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