View Full Version : Matching the artist with the stage

06-30-2011, 03:20 PM
A feature in the Listin Diario today focuses on the importance of promoters matching the venue with the personality of the performing artist. The feature focuses on how certain artists do better in theaters such as the Palacio de Bellas and National Theater where patrons sit in silence and listen to the artists. In other scenarios, such as Hard Rock Cafe and La Fiesta at the Hotel Jaragua where drinks and food is served, patrons tend to talk among themselves during the performance. Palacio de los Deportes, the sports venue, is also known to be noisy.

Some artists have not been at their best with their audience recently in these scenarios and there have been press reports of performers cutting their shows short. Performers that have protested the lack of concentration of their audiences include Diego El Cigala (at La Fiesta), Joaquin Sabina (at the Palacio de los Deportes), Pedro Guerra (at Hard Rock Cafe), and recently Fito Paez (also at Hard Rock Cafe).

Dominican singer-composer Pavel Nunez commented: "I do not know if this is an attitude common with songwriters-singers. Maybe I am the exception, but I think one owes oneself to the public. I understand that if one accepts to go to a place such as Hard Rock, that is a cafe, independently whether one is playing the piano, one has to adapt to the place. The attention of the people is not to be demanded, one has to win the audience over. To demand silence when one is singing is an excess," he observed. Nunez has performed on several occasions at Hard Rock Cafe in Santo Domingo.

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