View Full Version : CDC: Minustah soldiers brought cholera

07-01-2011, 03:50 PM
The United States Center for Disease Control has published a report concluding that MINUSTAH peacekeepers from Nepal were likely to have brought the cholera strain to Haiti. It has since spread to the Dominican Republic, affecting two countries that had been free of this disease.

The Haitian Ministry of Public Health first reported the appearance of the disease on 21 October 2010. The epidemic came as a surprise as no cholera outbreak had been reported in Haiti for more than a century. The media was quick to link the epidemic to the deadly earthquake that Haiti had experienced nine months earlier. However, simultaneously, a rumor pointed to recently arrived Nepalese soldiers as being responsible for importing cholera, along with accusations of illegal dumping of waste tank contents. A cholera outbreak was indeed reported in the Nepalese capital Katmandu on September 23, 2010, shortly before troops left for Haiti. Two hypotheses then emerged to explain cholera in Haiti, as reported by the CDC.

The CDC research shows that there was a presence of pipes pouring sewage from the MINUSTAH camp to the stream, which coincided with the rapid spread of the disease in Meille and downstream, and the probable contamination of prisoners by the stream water. "We believe that Meille River acted as the vector of cholera during the first days of the epidemic by carrying sufficient concentrations of the bacterium to induce cholera in anyone who drank it.

"We therefore believe that symptomatic cases occurred inside the MINUSTAH camp," reports the CDC.

www.cdc.gov/eid/content/17/7/1161.htm (http://www.cdc.gov/eid/content/17/7/1161.htm)

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