View Full Version : Carol Morgan students help save whales

07-06-2011, 02:30 PM
The Dominican Republic voted against eliminating the ban on commercial whaling at a meeting in Buenos Aires last week thanks to fund-raising by Carol Morgan School students, as reported in Listin Diario. The students collected US$2,000 to help send Peter Sanchez to represent the DR at the 63rd Meeting of the International Whaling Commission.

Sanchez is the administrator of the country's three protected whale sanctuaries at Silver Bank, Navidad and Samana on the northeastern coast of the Dominican Republic.

The participants representing the Buenos Aires Group issued a statement reiterating their commitment to the conservation of whales, the maintenance of the 1986 moratorium on commercial farming of whales, the end of scientific hunting, respect for the integrity of the sanctuaries recognized by the International Whaling Commission, among other issues. The group expressed its firm opposition to the sale of whale meat and byproducts in international markets. The DR favors whale watching tourism as a sustainable activity. The document was signed by the DR, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, Mexico and Uruguay.

Sanchez said that the DR's participation was especially important because, as reported by Greenpeace, 95% of the humpback whales that migrate south from the North Atlantic, an estimated 900 whales, will spend time in Dominican coastal waters.

EFE reported earlier that the DR was able to pay a debt of US$31,764 to regain voting privileges at the 11-14 July conference to be held 11-14 July in Jersey, United Kingdom.

To be debated at the 63rd Annual meeting of the International Whaling Commission is whether to overturn the ban on commercial hunting of whales. About 450 delegates from 88 member countries are expected to attend, including those from the whaling nations, Japan, Norway and Iceland.

www.greenpeace.org.uk/groups/channel-islands/event/iwc-whaling-conference-jersey (http://www.greenpeace.org.uk/groups/channel-islands/event/iwc-whaling-conference-jersey)

www.newsahead.com/preview/2011/07/11/united-kingdom-11-14-jul-2011-international-whaling-commission-holds-annual-meeting/index.php (http://www.newsahead.com/preview/2011/07/11/united-kingdom-11-14-jul-2011-international-whaling-commission-holds-annual-meeting/index.php)

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