View Full Version : Verizon admits negotiating

11-20-2006, 04:00 PM
Verizon Dominicana admits that it is negotiating with the government about the taxes due on the sale of its assets in the Dominican Republic.
According to Verizon statements made to Diario Libre reporters, Verizon Holdings Canada has offered the government a way out of the impasse by offering to pay US$250 million in return for the Internal Revenue office (DGII) dropping its suit. Internal Revenue is asking for over twice that amount - US$518 million. According to sources at Verizon, the issue is now about simple presentation. One of the sticking points is that Verizon does not want this to appear as a tax payment.
There is a legal case ongoing in the Tax Disputes Court (Tribunal Contencioso Tributario), and the hearing has been postponed. Economic consultant Hector Guiliani says that to seek an out of the courts negotiated solution, while there is a hearing pending in court, is a violation of judicial system, as reported in Diario Libre.

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