View Full Version : Career diplomats

07-11-2011, 05:10 PM
Alumni from the Foreign Affairs Ministry's Dr. Eduardo Latorre Rodriguez School of Consular and Diplomacy are lobbying for a bill that would mean more jobs for its graduates. The government has maintained the practice of appointing its foreign service staff mainly based on political patronage criteria. However, the graduates hope to end this practice and hope that more graduates will be able to find jobs in diplomatic posts abroad. The course has a two-year duration, but the graduates protest that few have found jobs in embassies abroad.

An alumni association of the school was created to promote the initiative and the board members are Willys Ramirez, Julissa Contin, Carola Rodriguez and Ianna Miolan.

www.listindiario.com.do/las-sociales/2011/7/3/194431/Jovenes-diplomaticos-con-vocacion-de-servicio (http://www.listindiario.com.do/las-sociales/2011/7/3/194431/Jovenes-diplomaticos-con-vocacion-de-servicio)

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