View Full Version : The 24-hour strike

07-11-2011, 05:10 PM
A nationwide strike called in protest at the rising cost of living and government wastefulness has unfolded peacefully, for the most part. For those who could take the day off, it was just that, a day off. For those who had to go to work, most went to work.

Major businesses in Santo Domingo opened, while many small businesses remained closed. Areas like the Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln and 27 de Febrero avenues had relatively normal levels of vehicular traffic, but public transport was at a low, with the unionized mini-buses and multi-fare taxis taking the day off. Private taxis were working. The 24-hour strike was called by the Alternative Social Forum, a citizen protest group. In the barrios, troops and police were deployed to discourage possible incitement to disorder and violence. According to news reports, stores in commercial areas like the Duarte, Mella, San Vicente de Paul and Padre Castellanos avenues did not open today, as reported in El Dia.

El Caribe reports that activity at the Robert Reid Cabral and Luis Eduardo Aybar public hospitals in Santo Domingo was minimal as few patients and doctors attended. News reports also indicate the strike was more widespread in the interior of the country than in the National District.

The National Police reported that at midday the strike was proceeding calmly, with isolated tire burning incidents in Salcedo, and in two slum areas in Moca and Villa Altagracia.

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