View Full Version : 60% passed National Tests

07-12-2011, 01:50 PM
In today's newspapers, according to the old saw of "glass half full or glass half empty", the reports on the success or failure of high school students in the National Standardized Tests was reported as either "40% failed" or "60% passed." Diario Libre said that "only 60%" had passed the first session of the tests, but they also noted that 63% of technical professional students passed their tests, an improvement on last year's results. So, the test results will allow 60,590 students to graduate from high school and 10,993 students to graduate from their technical professional schools.

Students who failed in their first attempt at the National Tests will get a second chance in August. The second session of the National Tests is scheduled for August 9-12.

The Ministry of Education added that 85% of primary school students who took their tests were able to pass, as well as 87% of adult education students.

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